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1. Shipping:
Ship any method you want USPS, UPS or FedEx.
2. Payment Options:
A. Enclose a personal check with tire-shipment!
B. We can send you a Paypal Invoice to your email address, so please provide an email address.
3. Things to Remember:
A. Please enclose all contact information with your shipment of tires - Telephone number, Email address, and Shipping/Return Address!!
B. Please tell us exactly what you need to be done:
- Base Tape Only (Please mark outside box/envelope "BASE TAPE ONLY."
- New Tube (Our re-tube job includes Base Tape)
- Types of Tubes - Continental Supersonic Tubes or 80mm Valve Length - add $5 per tire.
4. Your Own Tube:
If you'd like to provide your own tube, please enclose it with your tire. We will install it for $28 for one and $26 each for two or more.
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